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"Having experimented with both figurative and abstract painting during different periods of my life, I have been pursuing their union when representing the human figure in motion. By juxtaposing different planes, materials, and styles, I intertwine the central figure with its surrounding background. My work seeks that symbiosis between the abstract and the figurative, between energy and movement, and, in a more intimate way, between strength and kindness. It lives in synchrony with the times, its surroundings, and social context. It is dynamic and intense. My paintings often portray strong, free women fighting for their dreams depicted with beauty and grace. I wish to offer inspiration to all women. I want them to feel empowered and represented on that canvass. Likewise, I feel responsible to create a dialogue with my art that will bring forth humanity and dignity in the human subject." - Daniella Queirolo

Daniella was born in Lima, Peru. From an early age, she demonstrated an affinity for drawing and painting figures in motion. Daniella relocated to the United States during her early twenties, and graduated summa cum laude from The Tyler School of Art in Temple University, Philadelphia, with honors. She then traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia and Latin America, residing in Buenos Aires, Lisbon, New York and London for several years. Her experiences and exposure to such diverse places and cultures had a profound influence on her painting style, which depicts her passion for all forms of art, including performance, music, dance and architecture.


Daniella’s work has been featured in several publications. She was a finalist in the prestigious international competition “Boynes Emerging Artists Award 2021”, a finalist in the “Contemporary Art Award 2021”, a selected artist in the painting category in Mod Portrait 2021 (MEAM, European Museum of Modern Art, Spain) and Winner of the “Best Overseas Painter Prize” at the United Kingdom’s “Holly Bush Painting Prize 2021”. Her work has been exhibited in Art Shows and Art Fairs in Latin America, the United States and Europe. Her paintings are showcased in distinguished private collections around the world.


TEMPLE UNIVERSITY, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1996

First Honors

Suma Cum Laude


First Prize, self-portrait, Art Department

First Prize, photography, Art Department

Photography chosen for the Temple University Art Department Billboard 

Carmen Herrera Workshop, Art Anatomy and drawing workshop, Lima, 2011-2016

Chelsea School of Art, Illustration Course, London, UK, 1999


Most Recent Exhibitions

2022 Art Wynwood, Steidel Contemporary Gallery, Miami, Florida

2022 “Maravillarte”, Ministry of Culture, Lima, Perú

2021 Red Dot Miami 2021, Booth 115, Wynwood Art District, Miami, USA.

2021 “Christmas Show”, Sol Art Gallery, Dublin, Ireland. 2021 Art Source, Sol Art Gallery, Dublin, Ireland.

2021 “Autumn Exhibition”, Sol Art Gallery, Dublin, Ireland.

2021 “Identidades”, Centro Cultural La Libertad, Trujillo, Peru.

2021 Holly Bush Painting Prize Finalists Exhibition, London, UK.

2021 “Camino al Bicentenario”, Galería Forum, Lima, Peru.

2021 “Summer Art Fair”, ArtMotif (curator Joseph Firbas), Lima, Peru.

2021 “Human Rights of Latin-American Women”, Espacio Convergente, Lima, Peru.

2021 “Peruvian Activist Archive”, Block Art Perú, Lima, Peru.

2020 Virtual exhibition (Fifth Edition), Espacio Convergente, Lima, Peru.

2020 “During Corona”, virtual exhibition, MAH, Mujeres Artistas Hoy, Spain.

2020 “Perú Camino al Bicentenario IV”, Forum Gallery, Miraflores, Lima, Peru.

2020 “Your Best Painting”, MEAM (Modern Art Museum) and Galería Artelibre, Barcelona, Spain.

2020 Two paintings in Exhibition, permanent collection, Indigo Gallery, San Isidro, Lima, Peru.

2020 “Arte para Donar II”, Red de Corazones, San Isidro, Lima, Peru.

2020 ArtExpo NY 2020, Agora Gallery, New York, USA. (postponed)

2020 “Allin Warmi”, For Women’s Rights, Boulevard Asia Gallery, Lima, Peru.

2019 Red Dot Miami 2019 (Art Basel Week), Miami, Fl. USA.

2019 “Arte en Pelota”, Curator Rhony Alhalel, León Pinelo, San Isidro, Lima, Peru.

2019 “Ponte la Camiseta”, Perú camino al Bicentenario III, Forum Gallery, Miraflores, Lima, Peru.

2019 “Simbiosis”, Guzmán y Lazo Gallery, Miraflores, Lima, Peru. (Solo Exhibition)

2019 “Celebrating Women’s Rights”, Plaza Bicentenario de la Municipalidad de La Molina, Lima, Peru.

2018 “Noche de Arte”, Sede Central BBVA, Lima, Peru.

2018 “Deseos Reflejados”, Make A Wish Perú, John Harriman Gallery, Lima, Peru.

Press and Publications (Selected)

2021 “Miami Art Week 2021”, Design and Style Report, Miami, USA

2021 “Top Eight Female Artists in the Boynes Emerging Artist Award”, Boynes Emerging Artist Award, Australia.

2021 Interview with Camila Reveco, 12th edition, Ophelia Magazine, Chile – Argentina.

2021 Interview with Boynes Emerging Artist Award, Australia.

2021 Interview with Mariluz Zumaeta, Director of Art Fine Lines, Lima Peru.

2021 “Latin American Women Artists”, Ophelia Magazine, March Edition, Chile-Argentina. 2021 ”Oda a la Libertad”, Cocktail Cultural and Entertaintment Magazine, Lima, Peru.

2020 “Guía Leonardo 2020”, Galería Artelibre Editores, España.

2020 “Your Best Painting”, MEAM, European Modern Art Museum/Artelibre Gallery, Spain. 2020 Interview, Cocktail Cultural and Entertainment Magazine, Lima, Peru.

2020 Magazine D, Architecture and Design, Lima, Peru.

2020 Interview with Brenda Ortiz, Block Art, Lima, Peru.

2020 Painting published in Beautiful & Bizarre Art Magazine Web, Australia

2020 “Art for Women’s Day”, Perú 21 Newspaper, , Lima, Peru.

2020 Wescover, Wescover app - Interior Design magazine. Paintings in real spaces.

2019 Painting “Freedom” cover of book “Síntesis De La Libertad”, Pablo Beytía, RIL Editores, Chile

2019 “All Images All”, El Comercio Newspaper, Cultural Section LUCES,. Lima, Peru.

2019 “Guía Leonardo 2019”, Galería Artelibre Editores, España

2019 “Colorful Praise for the Movement”, El Comercio Newspaper, Cultural Section Luces, , Lima, Peru.

2019 “Freedom in Motion”, El Correo Newspaper, Cultural Section, , Lima, Perú.

2019 “I learned to Do Art From Other Arts”, La República Newspaper, Leasure and Culture. 2019 Interview, Cultural Agenda, TV PERÚ, Lima, Peru.

2019 Interview with Glatzer Tuesta, IDEELE Radio, Lima, Peru.

2019 Interview, Filarmonia Radio, Lima, Peru.

2018 Interview, TV PERU, DETRÁS DEL ARTE, Lima, Perú.

2018 Figurativas en Red, MEAM, European Museum of Modern Art, Spain.


Queirolo Works for Sale
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